September 28, 2011

My Favorite Subject: The Rain

Today it poured. And I loved it. I know I write about this frequently, but there is just something about the rain. For a while, I felt like rain was ruined after Nepal (drenched, cold, and tired), but today I felt entirely in love with the rain. The drama and the romance of the rain: especially at night. The way the light hits it, the way drips cling to everything, and the way you feel walking through it.

And finally, the sign above made me so happy. Acts of kindness.
And of course, only in Ithaca would there be such a thing as an umbrella share.

September 25, 2011

Time Really Does Fly...

Goodness! I don't think I've had such a long blog hiatus since I started it. I apologize!

I was sort of drawn to my blog today because I'm having an absurdly difficult time focusing today. I guess just a basic update is in order?

It's been a crazy semester thus far. I can already recognize how much happier I am this year, without ROTC. I have absolutely no regrets: I learned a lot about myself, about life, about how to and how not to lead, and I made some of my very best friends. But I feel a lot more in control this year as far as work. Sure, I am only taking 14 credits (and still struggling with Physics II), but I do feel like I'm getting better sleep - it's amazing how much better you learn if you can keep your eyes open in class - as well as enjoying my classes more. My classes have brought some clarity to my previous life freak out. I am super intrigued by my communication and technology class and am even considering changing my tech blog to be a compilation of what I am learning in that as well as my intro to web design class. Even if I don't go into traditional engineering, I can see myself project managing, doing research, or even teaching.

I guess that sort of brings me to a relatively recent sore spot for me. I'll keep it brief... I don't pay tuition to fund research. I pay tuition to learn. And I am sick of crappy professors and TA's who don't care.

I know this isn't much of an update, but I didn't want to fall totally off the map.

I promise another update soon!