February 28, 2010

"We're just visitin."

I love the idea of visiting. I love thinking about days of past when people just came over for a pleasant change of company and for a spirit-lifting chat. I believe I began to notice this driving around my aunt's Oxford, Mississippi subdivision. The South is horribly stereotyped as "stupid rednecks" and "bigoted snobs." Sure, the South may have made a few wrong turns but who doesn't? It makes me sad that they don't really hold much place in people's approval expect by those who have been here firsthand.

I must credit the South on having some of the warmest people. And you can tell even by their houses. About 90% of houses around here have at least one open porch with five or six rocking chairs just for visiting. I'm reading The Gurnsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and I believe that they properly know how to visit too. Vacations and visiting didn't have to revolve around things to do and places to see. It was ok to come by for a month or two, take advantage of the wonderful hospitality apparent in nearly every person, and just enjoy the change of pace, scenery, and personalities. The South, though greatly transformed from olden days, still holds onto that sweet sincerity. Every porch is open to visitors. Every home is open to travelers. It's alright to wake up late and wander down to the sun room (I love the idea of a sun room!) just to say hello and to chat pleasantly. I consider it a character flaw when people do not appreciate the art of amiable conversation and the beauty of comfortable silence. I love that there are still places around the world where it is ok to take your time - it's ok to not have something to do all the time.

I'm probably just rambling but being here really gives me time to think - good think. I sat on the porch all by my self, wrapped up in a quilt, for about half an hour this morning. I felt the crisp air on my face and I took deep long breaths to relish every bit of Mississippi air. I thought about Gone with the Wind and people just dropping by for weeks at a time, just to be with those people who's company they most enjoyed. There was no such thing as "a quick overnight trip." I love that whole idea. It seems so romantic and friendly and good for the heart. I will never undervalue the important of "just visitin."

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